Become an affiliate!
Earn recurring income by referring our products and services to others. Get up to 50% in referral commissions by becoming an affiliate partner.
Apply to be a partner
Fill out the form and we'll review if it's a perfect match.
Create an account
Once approved, we'll send your login information by email.
Get paid for referrals
Get paid once you have generated at least $50!
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are commonly asked questions about our exclusive affiliate program. If you find that your questions are not here, please feel free to reach out!
How much can I earn as an affiliate?
You get between 15% - 50% commission on our products and services. The tiers vary depending on the type of product. Some are one-time commission and some are reccurring commissions such as our care plans, client retainer pakcages, and web hosting.
Will you provide swipe files and banners?
Yes, you will have pretty promotional banners and swipe files to make it easy for you to promote us!
How do I get paid as an affiliate partner?
We send payments using Stripe once your wallet reaches $50. There is a 60-day period per referral. The 60-day period provides a safety net for refund requests (since we offer 30-day money back guarantee on some services).
How can I make my application stronger?
We screen our affiliate applications for the purpose of quality assurance. As long as your website and/or business is not categorized as pharmaceutical, gambling, adult, or spam - then you will likely get approved.
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